Money Manifestation
Prosperity is a state of mind. Everything you think and believe about yourself are seeds that will eventually grow and manifest outwardly. And as spiritual people, we want to be prosperous in order to support ourselves and do our highest work here on Earth- increasing our ability to serve others and create more good. It’s good to have money and resources. We must learn to invite it, accept it, and sustain it…
“When we are in a prosperity mindset, we are naturally more generous and life is more enjoyable. ”
Developing a Prosperity Mindset
Spending a little time writing or speaking wealth affirmations every day is a powerful practice which will align you with the vibration of prosperity and draw more prosperity into your life. You can create your own affirmations or you can borrow from others. Some of my favorite affirmations come from a combination of Louise Hay, Esther Hicks and several yogic teachers, which I will share with you below.
As you begin to focus on attracting wealth, take some deep breaths and center yourself first. One of the most important aspects of personal power and manifestation is being able to ground yourself on command and tune your focus. All that is required is willpower. Creating a quiet and sacred space where you regularly go to work on yourself/meditate, will help this get easier and more natural with time. I like to journal/write my affirmations because it grounds my focus into an action and I feel that there is something so powerful about putting old-fashioned pen to paper. However, passive listening to money affirmations and mantras (YouTube has great options) is easy and effective too! Clean your house while you listen, for example… Your senses are always absorbing messages, symbols and energy from the things around us (whether you realize it or not) and everything matters.
(Tip: During any meditation, our mind is always going to need something to focus on. This is why I love mantras so much. It is impossible for our minds to be completely blank - that is not the point of meditation anyway. The point of meditation is to train your mind to focus on what you consciously choose to focus on. Your mind will naturally want to drift and intrusive thoughts may come up… just release them as you release the breath and refocus.)
Every day, practice gratitude for the money you currently have. This will attract more money into your life through the Law of Attraction. Don’t ever complain about what you don’t have. Never say things like “I'm so broke right now.” Law of Attraction does not discriminate. Whatever you are focusing on will grow, whether it be abundance OR lack. For more Law of Attraction teachings, look into Esther Hicks (aka the Abraham - Hicks teachings).
Another great practice is to visualize yourself already in possession of lots of money, feeling grateful and abundant and financially stable. Act as if you already have the money by making decisions from a mindset of abundance. Trust that the universe will provide and remain open to receiving money in unexpected ways.
Money Affirmations:
Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.
I deserve to be prosperous and successful.
My positive energy attracts wealth and opportunities.
I delight in the financial security that is a constant in my life.
I am open to receive…
I love money and money loves me!
Everything I touch succeeds and prospers.
I am a magnet for money!
Endless streams of prosperity flow to me from every possible direction.
Doors of financial opportunity are always open to me.
Today is a delightful day. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.
I am open and receptive to all the wealth in the Universe.
I am worthy and deserving of everything that I desire.
I trust that Source/God/Universe provides for me and I have everything I want and need.
It is my divine right to be prosperous and I can be, do or have anything I want in this life.
By incorporating these money affirmations and positive practices into your daily life, you will align yourself with the vibration of abundance and welcome prosperity into your life. Believe in your ability to attract the financial wealth you desire!
Using Tools & Symbols to Attract Money
Beyond affirmations of wealth, there are other things you can do to attract money into your life. A popular practice these days includes placing cinnamon near the front door of your home or business on the first of every month. Because of it’s fiery energy, Cinnamon represents gaining money swiftly. Burning green candles and collecting green stones (Green Aventurine or Green Jade) are also a popular way to help attract more money. A personal favorite of mine is to put a Bay Leaf in my wallet and in my cash register at Plant Magic Market, which symbolizes success, stability and wealth. I also keep a gorgeous piece of Pyrite in my office and it literally looks like gold, directing my thoughts to the energy of wealth every time I see it.
These Golden Hundred Dollar Bills symbolize wealth and luck. They aren't real gold, but their bright and shiny color looks luxurious! Many see them as a sign of attracting money and success. Whether used for rituals, as a lucky charm, or decoration, they're special for those who are seeking to boost their prosperity mindset.
If you live in the Columbus, GA area, come by and see us in the shop. We would love to set you up with so many wonderful and fun tools to help you on your way to manifest more wealth!